Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween from the flock and Merlin and Maezee!

Nine chicken eggs and four duck eggs.  Today three of the ducks laid their eggs under the yucca plant next to the coop, one laid hers inside under the shovel that leans against the east wall.

One of the Welsh Harlequins suffered a broken blood feather today.  Blood feather!  I know, right?  Well, I'm having to assume that she and a Rogue Red went at it today and the geese were too late or sleeping on the job.  I herded little Miss WH into the coop and caught her to have a better look.  Her wing had quite a bit of blood on it before I filled the water pans and pools.  After she took a few dips, she didn't look nearly as bad, but I still wanted a look.  I actually found the broken feather still caught up in her other feathers.  No more bleeding could be seen as I ruffled through her wing feathers.  I hope she'll be okay tonight.  They can bleed to death from a blood feather that's not taken care of properly.  You're supposed to pull them when they're broken.  Alas, either the Red pulled it for her or she pulled it herself?  I don't know.  This is a day to day, learn as you go, life full of feathers lessons for me.

It's official.  Maezee Mae has taken the Alpha position.  Merlin waited for her to come through the door several times today.  Maybe he's being a gentleman, but I think it's more like Maezee's being Alpha.  She was also napping on top of the picnic table again today.  Another prime spot she's picked for herself.  Merlin ever so sweet, just looks up at me and smiles.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

A flurry of feathers at opening time, 'round about 6:45am.  Four duck eggs!  One right in the middle of the yard and one under the tall grass, two in the coop.  Someone is getting sneaky.  Seven chicken eggs.  The hens are using more of the boxes every day.  Kind of cool.  I guess they wanted to break from a boring routine of laying in box #1 and box #10.

After seeing the rooster crowing video on Facebook, I went and thanked Chester for not being that annoying.  I carried the egg basket around the rest of the yard looking for more hidden duck eggs, and Chester was right behind me all the way, with his hens, and a few ducks, and he was talking the whole time.  I'm sure they were more than disappointed when they realized I only had their eggs in the basket and not more feed.  They're getting scraps and leftovers tomorrow, so that'll make up for it.

If you've been here to see the flock, you know how the geese can talk fairly loud. They answer every "hello."  However, at closing time when they go in I quietly say "night night" and they mimic me with a very quiet "honk honk."

A Rogue Red went free ranging with the California Chick today.  I'm not sure which Red it was, but she didn't wander far from the north fence.  She's not as brave as the CA Chick, yet.

It seems that Maezee is taking her Alpha spot at bedtime.  Whenever Merlin tries to lay in the corner on the blankets, his usual spot, she nudges him out and he goes and lays in front of the freezer.  He and Maggie used to have their favorite spots and Maggie's was under the table we have out there.  I tried to get him to lay under there tonight and he looked sideways at Maezee, seen the look on her face, and he went back to being in front of the freezer.  She also gathered all the toys that were on the porch and is hording them next to her.  Winds of Change.  Merlin does not mind.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Seven chicken eggs, if you don't count the two that Merlin and Maezee ate fresh from the coop.  They always insist on looking in the basket and smelling.  Three duck eggs.  I don't give them the duck eggs. I claim those myself, being head overseer of chickens, ducks, geese, and dogs 'round here, I get choice.

We had a great day running all the yards today.  I trust Maezee to stick close to Merlin, and so now they can go in the front yard without my constant supervision.

Judy stopped by with great news about Jewel Weed.  I'm not sure if they kept her name or gave her a new one, but report is that they absolutely LOVE her.  I knew they would, and she's doing great.  There are no coincidences or mistakes, just what IS and this was a great what IS!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Three duck eggs and six chicken eggs. The chickens are starting to use other boxes besides the favorites.  So, I'm thinking perhaps it's the newest ones that are using box #3 and box #6.  At least this way they aren't clucking for half an hour at the hen that's sitting in their favorite box #1 or box #10.  One of the black sexlink hens will get up on the round platform and cluck louder and louder until the laying hen finally either gives in or lays her egg.  I've seen the impatient ones give up and move to another box.  That'd be my choice.

I stopped at the pharmacy to pick up my order and a man sitting outside saw that I was carrying empty egg cartons.  He asked me if I needed more, I declined but went over to talk to him.  He talked my legs and ears off, and picked my brain fairly hard.  I came away with a lot of info on his family's genealogy and that his grandma used to put cayenne in her chicken feed.  He wasn't sure why, thought maybe it kept them warm. He told me in great detail how she went about doing that.  I'll spare you and myself that detail.  I came home and researched it.  Two fold.  Cayenne is a dewormer and egg laying booster! Jack pot!  I got on Amazon and put an order in for 5#'s worth.  I'm hoping to see good results in a few weeks time, but some say less time than that!

Sam and I took Merlin and Maezee to the back of the farm to the woods today to run.  Merlin hadn't ever been back that far.  I'm not sure why we've never taken him.  I suppose because we never left Maggie behind, and off lead Maggie was a runner!  I mean as in, run and keep on running!  Like to the next county type of run.  Bless her soul.

Anyway!  Merlin and Maezee had a great time running, chasing, and creek drinking.  A great day.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The top news story tonight is that I had to re-home Jewel Weed.  Like the articles all said, it's rare that once they start fighting because of Littermate Syndrome, most have to re-homed.

It's a neat story how she ended up where she is, though.  I had taken Maezee Mae to see my mom at Knollwood today, and the hair dresser there, Mary, loved her and said her son wanted an Aussie because he just recently had to put his Sheltie of 15 years down.

Then when I got home with a muzzle to try and see if that would keep them from fighting/biting, and didn't work, I messaged Sandy, where Maezee and Jewel came from, and she gave me a name and I was blown away!!!  It was Mary from Knollwood, rather her husband.  SYNCHRONICITY!!!!!  I love it!  I cried most of the time they were here, but that couldn't be helped.  Jewel acted like she had known Mary and her son for forever.  It was perfect!

Seven chicken eggs, four duck eggs.

Maezee and Merlin aren't acting like anyone is missing, so they must know it was to be.  Apparently, dogs know about synchronicity.

I had a glass of wine to calm my nerves.  Another happy ending.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Ten chicken eggs and three duck eggs.  I'm not sure if I've told this little funny yet, if so, sorry, but here it is again.  There's a Rogue Red and one of the Welsh Harlequin drakes that have a fight at least once a day.  The RR gets her neck feathers all twisted up and starts to flog the WH drake, and he arches his neck and wiggles his tail real fast, they chase each other around for a bit and then call a truce.  I'm not sure there's ever a winner, but today one of the geese had had her fill of it and she broke it up, sent RR and WH running in the opposite directions.

I'm finding I'm spreading myself a little thin with chores and things that need done before winter, like bringing in the plants.  Still didn't get those plants in today!  Dang it!  Tomorrow.  Between making sure Maezee goes out before an accident.  Letting her get play time in with her sister, on opposite sides of the fence, and with Merlin, It's not been easy, but it's very rewarding.

Today Maezee went with Sam and me to check out what the loggers had logged.  Maezee is very cautious, but when getting back into the truck today she did her best to jump up in.  I gave her a little push, she was so happy.  She also had fun and we had a good laugh at how she runs as fast as she can in that big open space to you when you call her.  She always looks like her rear end is going to pass her front end, but all shows up in the right order.

If it doesn't rain too much, I'll take Jewel and Merlin together to the back in the next few days.  The weekend is suppose to be nice.

I picked tomatoes today, even from the late row had eight nice ones!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Fed the flock a lot of butternut squash today.  The seeds are supposed to be a natural de-wormer.  I hope so, because I'm out of nasturtiums.  10 Chicken eggs, and 4 duck eggs.  I let Maezee into the garden without checking for chickens.  She got a hold of a Rogue Red's tail, and I got a hold of Maezee's tail, and that gave the RR time to fly to the top of the fence and back over to her own yard.  Chester gave her hell for being in the garden, as usual.  She ran to the coop.  Maybe he gave her a time out, too.

Today was take the pups to the woods day.  I took Maezee first and she did very well.  She got a drink from the creek, barked at an invisible thing on the hill at Turkey Run, and she ran through the big Sycamore leaves as fast as she could.  She wasn't thrilled with the truck ride, so she sat next to me as close as she could get without being directly on my lap.  On the way back she was a little more relaxed.  She didn't want to jump back into the truck, so I gave her a lift up.  Maybe next time.  It's a tall truck.

I took Jewel after Maezee.  Jewel was a whole different story.  Just as good, but in a robust way.  She didn't just drink from the creek, she jumped in, and then jumped out just as quick.  She went everywhere she smelled Maezee had been.  When it was time to head back, I patted the truck seat and she jumped in the truck like she had done it a million times.  She rode with her head out the passenger side for a bit, but she ended up riding over my shoulders looking out the drivers window most of the way.  I think she'd drive if I let her.

I think I can take Merlin next time, and they'll be fine.  I just hate to leave one by herself while we go.  But until I'm sure they aren't going to fight, then this is the way.  I'm way more okay with it than I thought I'd be because I'm seeing their true personalities now where as before only a tiny bit was coming out with their constant playing with each other or chasing Merlin.  They pay attention so much better apart, it's amazing!

Tonight at bedtime Maezee did not want to go in the kennel.  First time.  She went over to the corner where Jewel has been sleeping.  I think it's best to keep her in her own space at night instead of bringing her in with us.  I don't want her to be totally alienated from her pack.